Thursday, February 12, 2009

It's been awhile...

It has been a while, a new year has been ushered in and still I walk along this path of healing that little guy within me.
I use to think that faith would provide me the euphoria of running, and I have since learned that faith and even marriage is morr like training for a marathon.
You are in it for the long haul so pace yourself, use a steady gate. Your body still may scream and say-what are you doing with me? But in your heart you must resolve not to walk away, to keep the pace, and to make gains-not matter how inscrutiating they may be, one step at a time.


Ben Tunbroken said...

Go, man, Go! Such love.

Ben Tunbroken said...

Don't give up. Tell us how you do it! You have His voice.