Monday, May 19, 2008


I am...
the sinner and the saint
the cynic and the believer
the wanderer and the committed
the courageous and the fearfull
the strong and the weak
the wise and the fool
the lover and the hater
the rich and the poor
the philanthropist and the hoarder
the envious and the content
the pagan and the priest
the rejected and the redeemed
the loner and the comrade
the vice and the virtue
the prodigal and the righteous
the warrior and the peacemaker
the leader and the follower
the athlete and the heckler
the judge, the jury, and the plaintiff
the condemned and the aquitted
the old and the young
the protector and the enemy
the guilty and the innocent
the friend and the foe
the despiser and embracer
the prejudice and the defender
the murderer and the healer
the hero and the villain

I am Everyman.

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