Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Porn Star Parents

I am learning more about the stories in the bible. My wife and I picked up a book entitled "Harlot by the roadside." It revisits all the old testament stories that have been gleaned, glossed over, and made more like disney then a tell all-no holds barred expose. Yet the bible is full of men and women who couldn't measure upt to Leave it to Beaver scenarios with a quick fix and an adorable smile. Christ's ancestors were prostitutes, cheaters, con artists, liars, murderers,sex addicts, drunks, wimps, brutes, control freaks,manipulators, and the like. These were the ancestors to the Man-God who would revolutionize the world. Just as it should be.
Their story is our story. Their savior and redeemer is our savior and redeemer.

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