Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Most of us think that a man with a debased mind(perverts, child molesters, voyeurs, etc.) were born with some demonic spirit. After all, they can't really be like you and me. We often ask ourselves, Who would do such a thing? without ever recognizing that but by the Grace of God, go I...

It isn't a demonic spirit that causes such a tormented mind.
Depravity comes from deprivation. Depravity comes from being deprived of love, of affection, of security, of peace, of gentleness, of truth, of justice, of mercy, and of compassion. Our young souls need to eat of the fruit of the Spirit. Without such fruit in our lives, produced by our parents, we become emotionally starved, physically anemic (especially if we were physically abused) and sexually malnurished.

Children born into such a home have to do whatever they need to do in order to survive such a toxic emotional wasteland. Most survive, by the skin of their teeth. We learn how to hide our deepest fears and needs in order to avoid being exploited.

When we grow up, we still respond to the environment the same way we did as a child because our world view, our self view has been set. It is only through the grace of God and the grace of true Community that deprivation can be overcome.

We are all helpless in meetings those love needs. There is no one person who can satisy those needs in their own life. NO ONE. We need love, and we need each other. Deprivation can turn to Salvation only through the willingness to Love and to be Loved.

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