Thursday, September 3, 2009


"We are lonely for many things: We ware lonely for more love and communication, more unity, and understanding, than we have at present. We are longing and restless for a wholeness we do not yet possess. We are tormented by feelings of insatiability, thirsting constantly, want to know more people, wanting to be known by more people, wanting to be more places, and wanting to ber "where it is at," in every sense of that cliche.We are frustrated because our relationships are too frequently fraught with ambiguity and misunderstanding, with pettiness and betrayal. We feel empty and incomplete because we are missing out on so much of life, constantly living at the fringes,as through a glass, darkly, away from the action, unable to completely sort through the riddle of life, at the door without a key, unable to fully enter. We feel nostalgia and death as precious friends and precious moments leave us, never to return, as youth and fullness slowly leave our bodies, as the clock ticks away and we lose so much of what we had. We feel both agony and ecstacy in our loneliness as we experience both the tension that makes for life and the loss that makes for death."
From the Book "The Restless Heart: Finding our spiritual home in a time of loneliness" by Ronald Rolheiser

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