Thursday, September 3, 2009


There comes a time in a man's life
when he feels invisible...
A shadow of the person he used to be
A vapor of the man who once was
Overlooked in his job
Enveloped by a Honey-To Do list
Hidden behind his wallet to his children
Camoflauged in the church pew

He has been stricken to be a soul begging on the street,
his own street,
desperately wanting to be seen by another,
a penny for a stranger?
food for the starving?
and water for the dying?

There comes a time in a man's life
when he feels invisible
a shadow of the ideal man
fallen short of the mainstream
never looked beyond the color of his skin
enveloped by fear, prejudice, and the desire to win
smothered by those in power and might

He has been stricken to be a soul begging on the street,
his own street,
desperately wanting to be seen by another,
a penny for a stranger?
food for the starving?
and water for the dying?

There comes a time in a man's life
when he feels invisible
rejected by his peers for the struggle within
held at arms length for his brotherly longings
condemned to hell by the places of "hope"
abandoned by family and pseudo friends

He has been stricken to be a soul begging on the street,
his own street,
desperately wanting to be seen by another,
a penny for a stranger?
food for the starving?
and water for the dying?

There comes a time in a man's life
when he feels invisible
hidden behind a frock, a uniform,a robe
dismissed for his beliefs and perfection's persona
isolated from his brother sheep
believed to be a man of God who doesn't need one

He has been stricken to be a soul begging on the street,
his own street,
desperately wanting to be seen by another,
a penny for a stranger?
food for the starving?
and water for the dying?

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